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Why Is My Face So Fat? 5 Common Reasons For A Puffy Appearance

why is my face so fat
Explore common reasons for a puffy face. Photo: Shutterstock

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You may wonder: Why is my face so fat? The answer may be different for everyone. It’s not unusual for fat to develop in the face–it is a part of the body, after all, and the body can retain fat almost anywhere.

Understanding the reasons for a fat or puffy face, which can vary from age to diet to medical conditions, can help you reduce fat, water retention, and puffiness, so you can feel better about your appearance.

Why Is My Face So Puffy And Fat?

Having a fat face could be caused by several factors including steroid use, some medical conditions, aging, as well as lifestyle habits such as poor diet and insufficient exercise.

In many cases, it is possible to reduce swelling, fat, puffiness and the appearance of roundness in the face, however, in instances where medication is causing the face fat, you must check with your doctor before making any changes to your medication.

Why Is My Face So Fat?

If you’re tired of wondering “Why is my face so puffy and fat?” you’ll be happy to learn some of the most common causes for it. Let’s uncover five reasons for a swollen, puffy, or fat face.


Faces can hold onto more fat as we age. Fat can sag, which results in a shift in its location in the face. From there, it can stay stuck in lower areas, such as the neck, chin, and jowls. For this reason, double chins can also be a product of age. However, there are exercises you can do to help reduce double chins.

Medical Conditions

In rare cases, a person can develop a medical condition that can cause a fat face. For example, familial partial lipodystrophy[1] is a rare condition in which fatty tissue is abnormally allocated throughout the body. Body fat can be lost from the limbs, for example, while more fat is stored in the face instead. 

Cushing’s syndrome is a hormonal disorder[2] in which the body produces excess cortisol (a stress hormone) over extended periods of time. As more cortisol is released into the body, it can cause the face to gradually become more swollen. This is referred to as moon face or moon facies.

Poor Diet

An unhealthy diet is a powerful contributor to weight gain, including facial weight gain. Not only can unhealthy foods[3] directly increase bodily and facial fat, but the chemicals and sugar in processed foods can interfere with hormone activity, metabolism, and other bodily functions that typically prevent fat from developing.

It is normal for weight to develop in the face when an individual gains weight. Switching to a more nutritious diet can help reduce fat – in the face and elsewhere in the body.

Insufficient Exercise

Weight gain can be reversed or mitigated, not only through a healthy diet, but through regular exercise. Conversely, without adequate exercise, weight gain is more likely. When a fat face is due to overall weight gain, adding exercise into your routine can make a significant difference.

Certain Medications

Certain medications, such as those for blood pressure, diabetes, and corticosteroids (a type of steroid) can cause facial puffiness. 

If you have been prescribed any of these medications by your doctor, it’s important to let them know if you are experiencing a swollen face as a side effect. Furthermore, do not stop taking or make any changes to your medication without consulting your doctor first.

How To Reduce Face Fat

why is my face so fat
Diet and exercise can reduce fat in the face. Photo: Shutterstock

Now that you no longer have to ask yourself “Why is my face so fat and round?” you can get to work on reducing the fat.

The way to reduce a fat face will vary depending on the reason for it. If the fat face is due to a medical condition such as Cushing’s syndrome or familial partial lipodystrophy, there may not be a way to reduce fat in the face, without first treating and healing from the condition. Cushing’s syndrome can be treated, but this is not a guarantee of full recovery.

If a fat face is due to certain medications you are taking, only your doctor can tell you if it’s safe to go off them. Discuss your concerns with them before making any changes to your medication regime.

Other ways to lose face fat include eating a healthy diet, drinking enough water to stay hydrated, and exercising. There are specific facial exercises and a branch of yoga known as “face yoga,” that can be beneficial for reducing facial fat and toning up facial muscles.[4]

How Long Does It Take To Lose Face Fat?

Similar to bodily weight loss, losing weight or fat in the face is an individual process–unique lifestyle habits and genetics will dictate how long it will take people to lose face fat. Generally speaking, facial fat can be lost in a similar timeframe as any weight loss – a few months – assuming the individual is sticking to a healthy, balanced diet and exercise routine.

However, if your fat face is due to a medical condition, it may not reduce until your healing from the medical condition is underway, or even complete.

What Foods Make My Face Puffy?

Have you ever woken up after a night of binge eating and thought, why is my face getting so fat? It’s because foods high in salt and sugar (carbohydrates), which includes many processed , fried, and packaged foods, can create puffiness in the face. To prevent excess facial fat, avoid excess salt[5] and sugary foods and stay well hydrated.


A fat face can be the result of many things, from poor diet to certain medications and medical conditions. Sticking to a healthy diet and exercise plan is a great way to support weight management and keep the face thin.

However, no matter how healthy an individual, the aging process can be enough to cause fat to build up in the face. It can be harder to lose fat anywhere in the body as we age. If a fat face is the result of a medical condition, be sure to get a proper diagnosis and treatment plan from your doctor.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does face fat ever go away?

It depends on the reason for the face fat. If the face fat is due to poor diet and little-to-no exercise, then it can be reduced with better attention to diet and lifestyle. If it is due to certain medical conditions or medications you’re required to take, it can be a little more challenging to reduce.

Why is my face fat but I’m skinny?

If your body is skinny but your face is fat, you may have a condition called familial partial lipodystrophy, a condition in which fat is unevenly distributed throughout the body. This can mean you lose weight in your body, but gain it in your face. Always check with your doctor.

At what age do you lose face fat?

There is no set age in which anyone loses face fat. Facial fat can be lost starting as early as our 30’s, and increase as we age. During this time, the fat can “sink down” into the face, causing fat to stay stuck around the chin, neck, and jowls.

Does drinking water help slim the face?

Yes. Without adequate hydration, our face can become bloated and puffier or retain more fat. Water keeps our skin hydrated, to soften skin as well as prevent excess fat from building up.

Can chewing gum reduce face fat?

There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that chewing gum can reduce face fat. In fact, depending on the gum, the ingredients may be harmful to your health.

Are chubby cheeks permanent?

No. Chubby cheeks can be reduced with lifestyle changes, particularly changes to diet, exercise, and facial exercises.

+ 5 Sources

EHproject has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We work mostly with peer-reviewed studies to ensure accurate information. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.

  1. Medlineplus.gov. (2014). Familial partial lipodystrophy: MedlinePlus Genetics. [online] Available at: https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/condition/familial-partial-lipodystrophy/.
  2. and, D. (2023). Cushing’s Syndrome. [online] National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Available at: https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/endocrine-diseases/cushings-syndrome#:~:text=Cushing’s%20syndrome%20is%20a%20disorder,glucose%2C%20also%20called%20blood%20sugar.
  3. Anon, (2023). Poor Nutrition. [online] Available at: https://www.cdc.gov/chronicdisease/resources/publications/factsheets/nutrition.htm#:~:text=Consuming%20unhealthy%20food%20and%20beverages%2C%20such%20as%20sugar%2Dsweetened%20beverages%20and%20highly%20processed%20food%2C%20can%20lead%20to%20weight%20gain%2C%20obesity%20and%20other%20chronic%20conditions.
  4. Alam, M., Walter, A., Geisler, A., Wanjarus Roongpisuthipong, Sikorski, G., Tung, R. and Poon, E. (2018). Association of Facial Exercise With the Appearance of Aging. JAMA Dermatology, [online] 154(3), pp.365–365. doi:https://doi.org/10.1001/jamadermatol.2017.5142.
  5. Ma, Y., He, F.J. and MacGregor, G.A. (2015). High Salt Intake. Hypertension, [online] 66(4), pp.843–849. doi:https://doi.org/10.1161/hypertensionaha.115.05948.


A health coach specializing in Integrative Nutrition, I approach wellness with a holistic and functional medicine perspective. As a writer, I simplify intricate topics such as nutrition, gut and hormone health, mental well-being, and spiritual health,… See More