Coffee & Lemon For Weight Loss: All Facts About The Tiktok Trend In 2024

coffee and lemon weight loss
Learn if coffee with lemon can help you lose weight. Photo: Brent Hofacker/Shutterstock

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Thanks to TikTok, the coffee and lemon weight loss trend has gone viral. Though the concept of drinking lemon coffee for weight loss has gained traction, some are skeptical, and for good reason.

The TikTok claims imply that the combination of lemon and coffee can burn body fat fast. While this type of quick fix may sound enticing, there is not enough science to support its efficacy. This does not mean that coffee and lemon can’t help with weight loss entirely, just not as quickly or significantly as the claims suggest.

And following fad trends may lead to symptoms[1] of an eating disorder. So, learn the facts about this new trend and any potential health benefits before hopping on the bandwagon.

Does Coffee And Lemon Help With Weight Loss?

Possibly. A recent TikTok trend is influencing some weight loss seekers to start adding lemon juice to their coffee. Coffee and lemon, as part of a healthy diet, provide individual health benefits that may support weight loss.[2]

However, there is insufficient evidence supporting the claim that adding lemon to coffee can enhance weight loss. Additionally, many studies on coffee and lemon for weight loss are conducted on animals, not humans.

Is Coffee And Lemon Good For Weight Loss?

coffee and lemon weight loss
Coffee and lemon for weight loss? Photo: SharkPaeCNX/Shutterstock

Not especially. A new TikTok trend may have led some people to think combining coffee and lemon is good for weight loss. While no evidence says this combination is bad for weight loss, there is also not enough evidence to suggest it is.

Individually, coffee and lemon may provide health benefits that could be a weight loss aid, but even this evidence is inconsistent and lacking.

Coffee And Weight Loss

In one meta-analysis, consuming higher amounts of coffee[2] was associated with modest fat loss, while another study indicated that drinking increased amounts of both unsweetened caffeinated[3] and decaffeinated coffee correlates with reduced weight gain. However, the higher amounts were defined as more than six cups per day, about twice as much coffee as most Americans drink.[4]

Some say that drinking caffeine can suppress appetite. However, one study debunked[5] this claim, citing that coffee—with or without caffeine—does not influence appetite.

 Drinking unsweetened coffee is linked to less weight gain;[3] adding sugar to your morning coffee cancels out this beneficial effect.

Another study looked at green coffee, specifically, and determined that green coffee alone did not increase satiety; satiety only increased when green coffee was combined with beta-glucans[6] from oat fiber. Still, green coffee may be a better choice for weight loss; the chlorogenic acids in green coffee beans act as antioxidants that benefit weight loss and overall health.

Lemon And Weight Loss

In animal studies, the lemon extract was able to break down fat[7] and increase insulin sensitivity. Increasing insulin sensitivity improves how the body processes glucose, an essential factor in weight loss.[8]

Consuming lemon water increases hydration,[9] which may support weight loss. Including more lemon water and tea with lemon in your diet is one way to support a healthy weight. Drinking water intake is another way to improve hydration[9] and support weight loss.

However, human studies on lemon and weight loss are lacking. Additionally, while lemons are low in calories and can increase hydration, adding them to coffee does not significantly enhance weight loss benefits.

Lifestyle And Weight Loss

Even for individuals who lose some weight by drinking coffee with lemon, this habit alone is not enough for weight loss. Weight loss is a multi-tied, ongoing process and should be approached safely and thoroughly.

If adding lemon to your water or coffee helps you stay fuller and more hydrated, that’s excellent, but it shouldn’t replace a whole foods-based diet.

Add lemon to your coffee in addition to other dietary changes. This includes reducing high-calorie, processed foods containing excess sugar, salt, and saturated fat.

Weight loss also requires regular physical exercise, quality sleep, and stress reduction. Individuals may sometimes require additional support from supplements and diet pills. Always consult a doctor or registered dietitian before taking supplements or medications for weight loss.

Caffeine For Weight Loss — Pros And Cons

Caffeinated coffee can positively and negatively influence weight loss, depending on the individual.

In animal studies, caffeine stimulates thermogenesis, a process in which the body burns calories.[10] In this sense, it’s possible to experience more weight loss when consuming more caffeine.

Yet caffeine’s role in weight loss is not all good — it may negatively impact weight loss by disrupting sleep.

Poor sleep and sleep deprivation[11] are linked with increased weight and difficulty in losing weight. Even when a person is not sleep-deprived or sleeping poorly, their weight can be affected if they’re not getting enough sleep. For example, consistently getting less than six hours of sleep a night is correlated with higher BMIs.

Consuming too much caffeine,[12] especially close to bedtime, disrupts the circadian rhythm that orchestrates sleep. For some, cutting back on coffee or switching to decaffeinated coffee may be more beneficial for weight loss than adding lemon to your coffee.

Experiment for yourself — caffeine has various properties that may enhance or diminish health.[13] Much of this is determined by genetics and individual tolerance. Caffeine has pros and cons; caffeine’s role in weight loss is hard to define for everyone.

Benefits Of Coffee And Lemon For Weight Loss

coffee and lemon weight loss
The benefits of lemon with coffee have not been proven. Photo: SharkPaeCNX/Shutterstock

Combining coffee and lemon for weight loss will not necessarily hinder weight loss, but it may not enhance weight loss, either. However, if you’re using lemon to replace other coffee additives, this can work in your favor. Specifically, because lemons are low in calories, replacing additives with lemon can help you achieve the calorie deficit you need to lose weight.

Specifically, sugar is linked to obesity.[14] Reducing sugar will reduce calories and reduce the risk of obesity. Also, if you regularly use milk or creamers in your coffee, swapping them out for lemon juice can decrease the calories you consume, supporting weight loss.

Furthermore, by adding lemon to any beverage, you reap the health benefits of lemon. Lemon’s many nutrients[15] can support health beyond weight loss. Lemon has shown anti-aging[16] effects in the animal model, and may increase vitamin C levels.

A few slices of lemon will not be enough to yield a lot of the nutrients, so add lemon liberally and as tolerated. Add lemon juice not only to coffee and water but to smoothies and food, as well.

Are Lemon And Coffee Safe To Drink Together?

Yes. Consuming lemon juice and coffee may not be particularly beneficial for weight loss, but they are safe to combine in small amounts.

Both lemons and coffee[17] have citric acid, which could provide additional brain[18] health benefits to reduce inflammation. However, if you have ulcers or acid reflux, consult a doctor or nutritionist to confirm whether coffee, lemon juice, or a combination of both suits you. Those with ulcers may need to avoid[19] acidic foods.


Despite TikTok’s enticing claim—that mixing lemon juice with coffee will help you lose weight—there is no sufficient evidence to confirm this claim. While putting lemon juice into coffee poses little risk to health or weight, it is unlikely to initiate significant or fast weight loss.

Additionally, many studies on coffee and lemon for health and weight loss are conducted on animals, not humans. This makes it difficult to say that humans would experience similar results.

However, drinking lemon water can enhance hydration, potentially supporting weight loss. Additionally, eating fewer calories by swapping out milk and sugar for lemon can aid in weight loss.

Regardless of whether you add lemon to your coffee, weight loss should be approached holistically, with a balanced diet, good sleep, regular exercise, and a healthy lifestyle.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does adding lemon to coffee help you lose weight?

It can if you’re using lemon to replace high-calorie coffee additives like sugar and creamer. Consuming fewer calories is necessary for weight loss. However, there is not enough evidence to claim coffee with lemon induces significant weight loss.

Which drink is best for weight loss?

Low-calorie drinks are best for weight loss. These include plain water, lemon water, and plain tea. Avoid high-calorie beverages, such as soda, and reduce milk and juice, which also have calories.

Should I drink caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee for weight loss?

This is individual. Some studies show no difference between caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee for appetite regulation. However, caffeine may interfere with sleep, negatively impacting weight loss. For others, caffeine may help the body burn calories.

Is mixing lemon with coffee too acidic?

It depends on the person. It may be fine for most people. However, anyone with ulcers should avoid coffee, lemon, and other citrus fruits.

Is green coffee better for weight loss?

It can be. Some studies have shown that antioxidant properties in green coffee may be more beneficial for weight loss than regular coffee.

When is the best time to drink coffee and lemon?

Any time of day that works for you is a good time. However, if you drink caffeinated coffee, it’s best to drink it in the morning so that it does not interfere with your ability to get a good night’s sleep.

What else can I do to lose weight?

Practice good sleep hygiene to ensure consistent, quality sleep, manage stress, and exercise regularly. If you need additional support, speak with your doctor or nutritionist about taking weight loss supplements or diet pills.

Will coffee and lemon make me gain weight?

No. Neither coffee nor lemon will cause weight gain. However, coffee and lemon may not help you lose weight. Adding excess milk, creamer, or sugar to coffee will increase calories, which may contribute to weight gain.

+ 19 Sources

EHproject has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We work mostly with peer-reviewed studies to ensure accurate information. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.

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A health coach specializing in Integrative Nutrition, I approach wellness with a holistic and functional medicine perspective. As a writer, I simplify intricate topics such as nutrition, gut and hormone health, mental well-being, and spiritual health,… See More