How To Lose Body Fat: Best Ways To Burn Body Fat Safely In 2024

mitchelle morgan

Reviewed by Jocelyn Chen, BME
how to lose body fat
You can lose body fat in 12 safe ways. Photo: Fuss Sergey/Shutterstock

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Many people wonder how to lose body fat percentage and maintain a healthy weight. Excessive body fat, especially in the belly area, can be a source of discomfort.[1] Therefore, many people work hard to lose weight and preserve fat-free mass.

There are numerous health benefits[2] from weight loss and healthy living. You can find different ways to lose body fat and enjoy better days. Keep reading and learn how to lose body fat men today. 

How To Reduce Body Fat: 12 Ways To Reduce Body Fat Safely

  • Eliminate ultra-processed foods.
  • Avoid trans fats.
  • Do moderate-intensity aerobic activities.
  • Try intermittent fasting.
  • Add weight training.
  • Drink green tea.
  • Only use olive oil.
  • Cease eating refined carbs.
  • Eat more protein-rich foods.
  • Consume apple cider vinegar.
  • Lower calorie intake.
  • Opt for whole grains.

12 Most Effective Methods To Lose Body Fat

Say goodbye to excess body fat and enjoy better health by incorporating the best ways to lose body fat. When working on how to lose fat, use the following ways:

Eliminate Ulta-Processed Foods

Limit intake of processed foods and focus on a healthy diet to lose fat. Some ultra-processed foods[3] include flavored candy bars, breakfast cereals, fried foods, and potato chips.

Instead of consuming ultra-processed foods, fill your meals with healthier options. For instance, plain oatmeal[4] makes a better breakfast option when learning how to lose belly fat. Switch snack bars with fruit and carrot sticks to lose body fat.

Avoid Trans Fats

Trans fats[5] have a reputation for causing weight gain and excessive visceral fat in the body. As such, you must refrain from consuming trans fats to master how to lose lower body fat.

Artificial trans fats are unsaturated fats with no health benefits and promote body fat. They’re a leading cause of health issues such as bad LDL cholesterol.[6] Problems such as heart disease result from bad LDL cholesterol in the body.

Therefore, try alternative healthy options like olive oil for cooking meals when you want to lose weight. Vegetable oils[7] are a top source of artificial trans fats and won’t help when you want to decrease belly fat. Therefore, always check the food labels to see the type of oil when buying food and oil to use at home.

Do Moderate Intensity Aerobic Activity

Excessive body fat and belly fat can lead to many health issues, including high blood pressure[8] and poor heart health. Thankfully, aerobic exercises come in handy to help you lose body fat and improve body composition

Aerobic exercises have many health benefits.[9] They get the large muscles in your body moving and blood pumping, leading to more fat burning.[10] Some of the best examples of aerobic exercises to reduce body weight include:

  • Jogging or running.
  • Swimming.[11]
  • Cycling.
  • Walking.[12]
  • High-intensity interval training.

Moving regularly and eating healthy meals can reduce belly fat and control weight gain. Besides reducing body fat, being active and doing aerobic exercises improves heart health.[13] Cardio exercises reduce bad LDL cholesterol and lower blood pressure.

Try Intermittent Fasting

how to lose body fat
Intermittent fasting can help you lose weight faster. Photo: Billion Photos/Shutterstock

Start looking into intermittent fasting for faster weight loss and decreased body fat. Intermittent fasting[14] is a fantastic way to lose belly fat and alter body fat percentage. Essentially, you embrace an eating pattern involving short fasts and times of food consumption.

Fasting isn’t new and has been around for centuries. It has both religious and health benefits. Intermittent fasting helps you consume fewer calories and lessen the chances of weight gain.[15] There are several methods of intermittent fasting to consider to lose weight, including:

  • 16:8.
  • 5:2.
  • Eat Stop Eat.
  • Warrior Diet.
  • Alternate-Day Fasting.

The five methods come in handy when you want to eat less and reduce belly fat.[16] For instance, considering the 16:8 means you fast for 16 hours and have an eating window of eight hours. Ensure you eat healthy foods during the eating window to promote body fat loss.

Add Weight Training

In addition to aerobic exercises, add weight training[17] to your routine while working to alter body composition and ensure fat leaves the body. Lifting weights is highly effective for burning fat when your goal is weight loss. In addition, weight training improves your flexibility[18] and stability, which change as you advance in age.

Fat burning during weight training is a result of a higher metabolism.[19] You continue to burn fat even after leaving the gym while resting and sleeping. Less belly fat and lean muscle are good reasons to start strength training today.

Drink Green Tea

Green tea[20] is an excellent beverage to have when you want to lose weight. Primarily, it increases fat burning as the body experiences more calorie expenditure. Eating less and consuming green tea is a good way to lower body fat percentage.

In addition, it’s an excellent way to get rid of excess belly fat. Research[21] shows that consuming green tea can help boost metabolism. A high metabolism helps you lose weight and keep it off for longer. Green tea helps the body break down fat[22] for energy.

Only Use Olive Oil

Seek a better oil for cooking your meals that goes hand in hand with weight loss.[23] An example is olive oil, a monounsaturated oil with many health benefits. Olive oil is rich in medium-chain triglycerides that boost weight loss.

One tablespoon of olive oil[24] contains 13.5 grams of fat and 119 calories. That’s a good addition to lower calorie intake and body fat percentage. It’s suitable for baking, frying, or as a salad dressing.

Cease Eating Refined Carbs

Refined carbs are bad for your health and lead to weight gain.[25] Some examples of refined carbs include white bread, white pasta, and white rice. They’re made using processed whole grains that lack vital minerals and vitamins.

Another issue to consider regarding refined carbs is excess added sugar.[26] Most foods have a high sugar content that makes weight loss harder. Evidence[27] shows that consuming lots of sugar can cause numerous health issues. Therefore, it’s better to find alternatives to supplement the sweetness of sugar.

Eat More Protein-Rich Foods

how to lose body fat
Protein rich foods make you feel fuller and eat less. Photo: Yulia Furman/Shutterstock

It’s important to work on your appetite to lose body fat. Food consumption is crucial for your health and well-being. However, the type of food does contribute to body fat percentage.

Protein-rich foods[28] are the best to feel fuller for longer and avoid eating more calories. The peptide YY hormone[29] is required to feel fuller when losing body fat. Protein-rich food facilitates the production of the hormone.

Consuming more protein enables the release of this hormone, thus enabling satiety[30] during the day. Some of the best protein-rich foods to add to your healthy diet to lose weight include:

Consume Apple Cider Vinegar

There’s little evidence to prove that apple cider vinegar can lead to weight loss. However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t any benefits to consuming it. Apple cider vinegar helps to lower blood sugar levels[33] and decreases cholesterol[34] in the body. In addition, drinking apple cider vinegar can kill harmful bacteria.[35]

Lower Calorie Intake

Eating lots of food greatly contributes to weight gain and a high body fat percentage. That’s why lowering calorie intake[36] is essential to eliminate excess belly fat. Altering body fat percentage requires taking measures to consume fewer calories daily.

Portion control[37] is a good way to reduce belly fat and alter body fat percentage. Eating small portions promotes weight loss by consuming a calorie deficit. The best thing to do is to make at least half your plate contain low-calorie, fresh vegetables like leafy greens,[38] turnips, and carrots.

Opt For Whole Grains

A healthy diet consists of fewer processed foods and more whole options to lead to fat loss. Whole grains are another crucial addition to your meals, leading to weight loss.[39]

Such foods are rich in minerals, fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins.[40] Processed grains remove the germ and barn that are beneficial to the body. Instead, choose whole grains that fulfill your fiber needs and promote weight loss.

When losing body fat, some of the best whole-grain options include:

  • Buckwheat.
  • Oats.[4]
  • Barley.
  • Brown rice.
  • Sorghum.
  • Rye.[41]
  • Millet.
  • Whole wheat.

What Is Body Fat?

Body fat[42] is the total fatty tissue in the body that doesn’t contain muscle mass. Having body fat is important since it helps with insulation and protecting organs.

However, excess belly and body fat can cause many health issues. 

Types Of Body Fat

There are two main types of body fat. These include:

Visceral Fat

Visceral fat[43] can be found deep in the tummy area. It surrounds main organs like the intestines and liver. A little visceral fat protects the organs. However, in excess amounts, visceral fat can harm your health.

Subcutaneous Fat

Next, there’s the subcutaneous fat[44] that’s beneath the skin. The skin has three layers: the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous. Again, a bit of subcutaneous fat is good because it offers insulation. However, it’s best to eliminate excess amounts for your well-being. 

How To Measure Body Fat

Body fat percentage varies from one person to the next. The variations also depend on factors such as body type, sex, and age of the individual. Here are different methods to use to measure body fat at home.

Smart Scales

A smart scale[45] is a device you can use to measure body fat and monitor body composition. Special body fat scales estimate the muscle mass and total body fat to determine total body fat.

Skinfold Calipers

Skinfold calipers[46] are a popular way to measure body fat and are easy to use. You can measure body fat levels by measuring the thickness of the subcutaneous fat. Measure in different body parts for accurate readings. 

Benefits Of Reducing Body Fat 

Finding the best ways to lower body fat percentage is vital for good health and well-being. 

Good Heart Health

Having excess fat in the body puts you at risk of heart disease and heart failure. That’s why finding ways to lower body fat percentage[47] is a priority. For example, aerobic exercises and losing weight can help lower your high blood pressure and live longer.

Regulate Blood Sugar And Insulin Levels

Having less body fat helps regulate blood sugar and insulin levels.[48] As a result, you can keep illnesses such as type 2 diabetes[49] at bay. A decrease in insulin resistance when you lose weight works in your favor.

 Improve Mental Health

Losing weight can have a positive impact on your mental health.[50] Being active by having an exercise routine boosts your mood. In addition, lowering your body mass index helps improve your self-esteem[51] and increase productivity. 

Common Mistakes When Trying To Lose Fat To Avoid

Always know that it takes time and effort to lose body fat. Opting for gradual weight loss and enjoying the best results is best. During your weight loss journey, there are common mistakes you want to avoid.

Eat Balanced Meals

Ensure you eat a balanced diet with few carbs per day and don’t skip meals to lose weight. To help your body cut down calories, you can try intermittent fasting, in which you have a short window of time each day to eat. In addition, ensure each meal has protein-rich foods, healthy fats, and whole grains.

Avoid Stressing

Next, avoid stressing when you don’t see changes on the scale. Weight loss and fat burning can happen gradually, so show yourself some compassion. Eat better, exercise, and live your healthier life to the fullest.

Drink Lots Of Water

Lastly, ensure you drink enough water. Hydration plays an essential role in fat loss and staying healthy. Work on ways to boost adequate water intake throughout your day. Alternatives like green tea are also great for improving hydration.

Improve Sleeping Patterns

A minimum of eight hours of sleep is necessary for a healthy life. Lack of sleep can lead to problems such as midnight snacking. If you snack more before going to bed, it defeats the whole goal of body fat loss. 

The Bottom Line

Fat loss is a great way to ensure better health today. Therefore, check out the different ways to burn fat and promote weight loss. You can create a winning strategy that helps shed excess weight and keeps it off longer. 

Understand the two types of body fat: visceral and subcutaneous fat. After that, start to work on eating better, exercising or doing aerobic exercises, and strength training. Remember the common mistakes when trying to lose body fat to avoid. Also consult a healthcare provider or registered dietitian for guidance about how to lose body fat.

Frequently Asked Questions

What burns the most body fat?

Aerobic exercises are the best when you want to burn the most body fat. Increasing intensity helps you burn more calories and lose weight fast.

How long does it take to lose body fat?

It depends. If you put in the effort and promote burning fat fast, you can lose body fat quickly. However, gradual weight loss happens by taking time to eliminate body fat.

What are the best exercises to lose body fat?

The best workouts to do when learning how to lose body fat fast are aerobic exercises. Try walking, running, jogging, swimming, high-intensity interval training, cycling, or swimming to lose body fat.

How can I lose body fat naturally without exercise?

It’s possible to lose body fat naturally without exercise. Work on eating a healthy diet free from ultra-processed foods and trans fats. Eat more protein-rich foods, fresh vegetables, and whole grains.

What is the best way to lose body fat?

Healthy eating is the best way to lose body fat and alter body composition. It’s important to eliminate foods that cause weight gain, like refined carbs and sugary treats. Opt for whole grains, protein-rich foods, and fresh vegetables.

How long does it take to lose body fat percentage?

The time it takes to lose body fat varies from one person to the next. People with lots of excess weight take longer than those with only a few pounds to shed. Also, you must consider the ways to lose body fat.

+ 50 Sources

EHproject has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We work mostly with peer-reviewed studies to ensure accurate information. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.

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Mitchelle Morgan is a health and wellness writer with over 10 years of experience. She holds a Master's in Communication. Her mission is to provide readers with information that helps them live a better lifestyle. All… See More